Friday, May 18, 2012

Announcing our Community Design Process!

The VISION for Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands (RBUFW) is to be a vibrant community hub and model green infrastructure project transforming a surplus Parks Department facility into an innovative organic URBAN FARM + WETLANDS restoration site.

Nestled in the heart of one of the most diverse zip codes in the nation, this 10-acre site has the potential to produce over 20,000 pounds of fresh healthy food each year for families struggling with food security.  The site will also provide educational opportunities for at-risk and underserved youth; offer access to and education for a rare in-city natural wetlands environment; improve wetlands habitat for native wildlife; foster economic development; and strengthen community.  



In late 2011, the Friends of Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands was awarded a $50,000 Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) grant from the Department of Neighborhoods to steward the community design process in collaboration with Seattle Tilth and Seattle Parks and Recreation. 

As part of the match, 
Friends of RBUFW must raise $9,400
to support outreach efforts necessary to engage the community and ensure that the community design process is as representative of the diverse community in Rainier Beach as possible.